We accept papers for ¥5,000 per theme.

 Leave it to us to search for papers.

 We search for papers of the highest quality.

 The price is set at $50, but it may be changed depending on the number of papers to be searched or if a high level of expertise is required.

 We will search for papers in a timely manner!

 I want to obtain information efficiently!

 Too busy with daily medical treatment to do anything….

 If you are too busy with your daily work, but still need knowledge, we are here to help!

 If you are a person who is interested in this service, you should not miss this!

 We can search for papers on your behalf!

 You can search about 500 articles per hour, so you can search a very wide range!

 Search Pubmed for medical, biological, nursing, rehabilitation, and other clinical and basic research papers!

 We will find the paper you are looking for.

 In some cases, we may not be able to find the paper you are looking for, but in that case, we will find an alternative paper that is similar to the paper you are looking for.

 Please understand that we may not always be able to find what you are looking for.

 Past requests

 Respiratory Medicine




 Rehabilitation Medicine

 Health Care



 Language Development

 Molecular Biology


 Nursing Care


 Sports Field





 Veterinary Medicine


 Thoracic Surgery

 Anticancer therapy



 Journal name

 Year of Publication


 Contents of the paper

 Background of search

 Papers you have, etc.

 If you know more than one keyword related to the paper, your search will be more accurate and faster.

投稿者: ForestbookH

日々、生きていることに感謝しながら生活しているどこにでもいる研究おじさんです。 日常的に不思議に思うことが多くそれを一つ一つ解決しながら生きています。 日々学んだことを独り占めせずにシェアをして一人でも多くの人が少しでも豊かになるように・・・。 今までは得た知識を独り占めして(使い方がわからなかった。)、ただ自分の中に溜め込み、無駄にしていたことが多かった。しかし、最近ではそれらの知識を有効活用しようと思い、外の世界に発信しようと考えています。また、発信することにより、皆様の意見を得る機会が増え、少しでも多くのことを共有しさらに学びを深めたいと思っております。 よろしく願い申し上げます。 皆様のご意見をお待ちしております。 よろしく願い申し上げます。


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